
Purpose: Creating a positive environment where excellence can be achieved is only possible if all TMEC families dedicate time to help the club. Parent support and involvement is vital to the success of our team.

Please read through our MANDATORY Service Hours Policy/Hosted Meet Hours Policy below  

The below requirement is per season, with 2 seasons per year.

Season 1: April 1st, 2023 through August 31st, 2023

Season 2: September 1st, 2023- March 31st, 2024

·        Stroke School #1 (Free, Back), Stroke School #2 (Breast, Fly), Pre-Competitive, Age Group Bronze and Competitive Readiness (Fitness) will need to Be Exempt from service hours but encouraged to please participate in any jobs that are needed at team meets and events. 

·        Age Group Gold , Age Group Silver, Junior Bronze, Junior Silver, Junior Gold, Senior Bronze, Senior Silver, and Senior Gold will need to complete 10 service hours each season, by August 31st, 2023 and then another 10 hours for the second season by March, 31st 2024.

·        Failure to finish hours will result in $20 per incomplete hour being invoiced to your team account September 2023 and April 2024. Yes, that means if you don’t complete any hours it’s $200. If your account is deactivated before the end of the season your account will be invoiced for prorated missed hours at that time.

  • You will have job opportunities at some practices when needed, away meets and team events
  •  Make sure to initial the sign in sheet on deck ONLY after completing the job, not before. 
  • Please allow 3-4 weeks to have hours reflected in your account. See your Team Welcome Email emailed upon joining for the “How to Check Your Service Hours” attachment. To be re-sent instructions email coachnicole@tmecswim.org

Hosted Meets:

  • Since hosted meets take a lot of manpower there will be SEPARATE required hours that will be assigned to the team to complete. The hours will be based on the length of the meet we are hosting. Example: 1 day meet will be 5 hours. The amount of required hours will be announced the month before the hosted meet.
  • Failure to complete service hours for the hosted meet will result in $40 per incomplete hour (Yes for a 1 day meet that can be $200).
  • Required hosted meet hours will not go to towards seasonal requirement.
  • If at hosted meets you do beyond the separate required hours, then the additional hours will be added to seasonal: Example: you do 7 hours at one day meet then 2 hours will go towards your seasonal service hours.
  • These groups are EXEMPT from doing hosted meet hours: Stroke School #1, Stroke School #2, Pre-Competitive, Age Group Bronze, and Competitive Readiness. 


Non Compliance

TMEC families with swimmers in the competitive groups will be subject to a Non Compliance Fee (NCF) of $300 ($20 per incomplete hour) per family if the 10 volunteer hours requirement is not met during the season.

Late fees will be assessed on any unpaid balances due by end of the designated season April/September.

All families are responsible for the job shifts they sign up to work.

If a family is signed up to work a shift and has not removed their name from the list prior to the event closing, they are responsible for working that shift or providing a substitute. If a family does not show up for a shift or does not find a suitable substitute for that shift, the number of hours you signed up to work will be added to your family commitment hours. 

New members who join TMEC will have their service hours pro-rated per month remaining and the removal of 2 hours per hosted meet completed already before joining. 

Members can roll over hours from Short Course to Long Course Seasons. However, hours do not roll over from Long Course to the next year.

TMEC Away Meet Service Hours
Your family is required to complete service hours at away meets that your swimmer participates in.  All swimmers attending a swim meet must provide a timer for the time assigned to them by the Away Meet Coordinator. Timers must be at least 13 years of age. TMEC will provide timing assignments based on the number of chairs required, the number of families in attendance. An email will be sent out to allow families the opportunity to sign up for a time IN THEIR SWIMMERS SESSION which works best for them.  Those families with swimmers in both sessions will be asked only to sign up for either the AM/PM session for that meet.
All slots not filled, will be assigned by TMEC staff to the remaining families in attendance of the meet.  In most cases you will receive an e-mail on the Thursday or Friday prior to the meet letting you know your assignment(s). Timing assignments will also be posted in the team EZ Ups at the swim meet.
If you are not able to work it is YOUR responsibility to find someone to work for you.
It is the timers’ responsibility to check in with the Timing Coordinator prior to starting your assigned session.  If you cannot find the Timing Coordinator on deck it is your responsibility to initial next to your name that you checked in and are on your way to your chair.

Noted: Board members are not exempt from this requirement.

The penalties for not timing at away meets are: $75 per slot missed.

This is strictly to help maintain compliance and instill some sense of recourse if necessary. As has been explained previously, we would much rather have your time, than your money.

Hosted Home Meet Volunteering
Your family must provide one adult volunteer for TMEC hosted meets this season.  The time required of each family depends upon the size and duration of the meet.   The Head Coach will notify the team how many hours are required per family once meet registration is completed.

Your family is required to complete service hours regardless of whether your swimmer(s) participates in the meet.  Failure to meet this requirement will result in an assessment of $40 for each hour not worked.

Proposed Draft Hours Avail.

Job/Descriptions Location Hours
Timing Chairs
Filling a timing chair at Away and/or home meets will count as time served towards volunteer hours.Person must show up for full amount scheduled and on time. If you have signed up for a timing chair and do not show up for your shift or have not made arrangements for a replacement to fulfill your shift, you will be assessed a penalty fee of $10 for each shift missed. All families must check in with the Timing Coordinator before the start of the meet.Volunteer other than a parent must be age 13 or older may satisfy your volunteer obligations, as long as the substitute can competently perform the volunteer task.
On Deck at Meet 1 hr
Timing Coordinator 

A timing coordinator will be responsible for coordinating all timing chairs at an Away meet. They are to ensure the timer information is correct, and the timers have arrived to their designated chair on time and stay for the full time scheduled. Timing coordinator will record attendance and provide information to coaches at end of position time. Morning and Afternoon shift at meet for 2 hours

On Deck at Meet 2 hr
Fundraising Committee Off deck TBD
Banquet Committee Off deck TBD
Medal/Ribbon Sorting Off deck 1.5 hr
Transporting pop ups Off deck/on 0.5 hr /pop up
1 hr for 10×20
Transporting pop ups to and from storage Off deck/on 0.5 hr /pop up
Sorting electronic donations from splash-a-thon Off deck/on 10-15 hr

Hosted Meets

Job/Descriptions Location Hours
Deck cleaning Lead On deck before meet 2 hr
Pre-Meet Pool Deck cleaning crew On Deck at Meet 1.5 hr
Pool Deck Set up and Tear down lead On deck night before 8 hr
Pre-Meet day pool deck set up crew On deck 4 hr
Transport Items from storage or back On deck 3 hr each way
Pool Deck area set-up On deck/on 3 hr
Information Booth lead Position On deck/on 14 hr
Information booth On deck/on 2.5 hr
Volunteer Check in On deck/on 2 hr
Hospitality Lead Position Off deck/on 11 hr
Hospitality On deck/on 2 hr
Head Timer On deck/on 2 hr
Pool Marshall On deck/on 2 hr
25 yard Event Staging On deck/on 3.5 hr
Event Flip Board On deck/on 2 hr
Awards Lead On deck/on 5 hr
Awards On deck/on 4.5 hr
Announcers On deck/on 7 hr
CT5 Computer On deck/on 6 hr
Swimmer Check in Lead On deck/on 7.5 hr
Swimmer Check in On deck/on 2 hr
Admin Runners On deck/on 6 hr
Pool Deck Equipment tear down and cleaning On deck/on 3 hr
First Aid on Deck **must be certified** On deck/on 13 hr
Snack Bar Lead On deck/on 14 hr
Snack Bar Grillers On deck/on 3 hr
Snack Bar Volunteers On deck/on 2 hr

CRC Home Meets

Job/Descriptions Location Hours
Items brought from storage to site Off deck/on deck 0.5 hr each way
Announcers On Deck at Meet TBD
Timing Chairs On deck night before TBD
DJ On deck TBD
Other Jobs approved by coaches and/or Board TBD TBD